5 Tips To Help You Enjoy Your New York City Experience
/We all sometimes forget about our surroundings when on vacation and we also miss some simple tips to make it more enjoyable…
So here are 5 tips to help make your experience in New York City a special one to remember!!!
Tip #1 - Always carry your personal bags in front of you
This is probably the most important tip i can share with you as New York City is filled with professional thieves who prey on the unsuspecting. As a woman if you are carrying a shoulder purse or handbag, you do not want it dangling by your side as when you are in crowded areas like Times Square or China Town thieves work in numbers. The first one will lift your purse from your bag by unzipping it and taking it out. Even if you feel them do it, by the time you turn around it will have changed hands at least 3 times. So even if you catch the actual person who did it your wallet, phone, tablet or camera is gone. Same thing applies to men who carry their wallets in their back pocket or what i see ALL the time, women who put their cell phone in their back pockets…you make easy marks!!! Put your wallet or phones in your front pocket or risk losing them to a very thankful thief!!! Another situation is you had a long day of walking in the city and you find a great place to sit down and have a meal, out of convenience women will hang their bag over the chair they are sitting in (which means it is behind them) and they are enjoying a drink or two with their dinner companions. Everyone is having a good time, but not paying attention and someone comes along and lifts the bag off the chair without anybody noticing. You think it won’t happen to you until it does so just be aware and keep your bag in front of you. As for back packs, just don’t carry anything valuable in them.
Tip #2 - Never Carry Your Hotel Room Key In The Sleeve The Hotel Provides
This tip is probably just as important as #1. I see this all the time, people leave their hotel key in the sleeve the hotel provides. They do this out of convenience, but what happens if you lose your key or it gets lifted like in tip #1? The thief now has the hotel you are staying at AND your room number and they will immediately go to your hotel room to clean it out. Tell me what is better, leaving your hotel key in the sleeve provided and getting robbed should you lose your key or asking the front desk what room you are in after showing some ID? I know which scenario I prefer!!!
Tip #3 - LinkNYC
In 2016 New York City beta tested these wifi charging stations in select parts of Manhattan. Now they have gone full blown with a wifi station on almost every corner in Manhattan around the Times Square area and beyond and they have expanded this service to all 5 boroughs. So no matter where you are you will have access to super fast wifi service and believe me, I have tried it and it is fast and seamless as you walk around the city. Between LinkNYC and all subway stations having wifi access as well, you will always be connected. Just something to think about before you pay extra money to your cell phone provider to use your phone in the United States!!! Check out the coverage and everything you can do with LinkNYC with the webpage provided.
Tip #4 - Ask For Help
New York City is a fast paced city and New Yorkers are known for being abrasive and seemingly rude, but what visitors fail to realize is that is just the way they are in this dog eat dog world. What visitors also fail to realize is, if you ask a New Yorker for help or directions they will be glad to help you if they can. Even though it may seem like they have no time for you, New Yorkers are some of the nicest people you will ever meet and love helping you get around their city. So don’t be shy, ask for help and you will be pleasantly surprised. Also in Manhattan there is a police officer on just about every corner, so if you can’t get help from a New Yorker than an officer is just an eye shot away!!!
Tip #5 - Ride The Subways
The New York City Subway system is the oldest and largest rapid transit system in the world with over 450 active subway stations servicing the 5 boroughs 24 hours a day. No matter where you want to go, the subway system can get you there. So between the subway and your feet (New York City is a walking city) there is no place that is unreachable. Don’t forget as mentioned in Tip #3 every subway station has wifi (not on the train, only as you enter the station and on platforms) so you will always be connected. With a system so large routes are always changing for track maintenance or express trains vs local trains so as stated in Tip #4, don’t be afraid to ask for help. To ride the subway you need to purchase a Metrocard which you can do at any station. I suggest putting $11 on it which will be good for approximately 4 rides. If you use them up then you can always recharge that same card at any station as well. Once you get the hang of it, riding the New York City subway is fun and easy and if your lucky you will be entertained by some interesting people to say the least. All I have to say is have your camera/video phone ready cause you never know who you may come across to entertain you on your ride. Some are crazy, some are just looking to make some money but most are harmless. So enjoy the ride!!!